
Tuesday 11 August 2015

The Tor Glastonbury

Some photos from last weeks trip to Glastonbury.
This is a good uphill walk (lots of steps) and it was worth it for the excellent views at the top. It was a really hot day and it would have been a good idea to bring a bottle of water! I brought an empty one so I could fill it up with the spring water near the base of the Tor (on the other side) I post those photos later in the week.

This is The Tor a hill topped by the roofless St Michael's Tower which dates to the 14th century. The slopes of the hill are terraced, but the method in which they were formed remains unexplained. Items have been found, dating back to the Iron Age.

The Tor is mentioned in Celtic mythology and is often in myths linked to King Arthur.

The whole site is managed by the National Trust.