
Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Resin button

Today I made a little silicone mould of a glass bead using a 2 part mix (Gedeo Siligum-Silicone Moulding Paste), I have used liquid latex to make moulds before but this method was so easy. Just mix equal parts of the white and blue mixture together press around the shape you want place on a level surface and 10 minutes later you have a usable mould for plaster, polymer clay, silver clay or resin.

I used the mould with a uv resin (Lisa Pavelka Magic-Glos) I am making some buttons for a bracelet, I will post more of them soon, here's a finished one I am just experimenting to see which ones I like.


  1. OH that one is pretty if it is any thing like what you will be using the jewelry should be gorgeous. Oh and I was thinking that it would be a great mold for buttons with an eye from a hook and eye set placed on the back as the shank part of the button.

  2. What a great idea, the experiment looks very interesting and pretty.

  3. Here via Blogexplosion.

    I will look out for those ingredients to make molds. Always wanted to try casting something.

  4. It looks amazing, buttons would be great I love it

  5. Just checking in on everyone for delurking week and leaving notes.

  6. Olá querida,

    Adorei seu blog é lindo.Já estou te seguindo,beijocas brasileiras!!!

  7. What are the sparkly bits inside the button either side of the wire? Its a very pretty effect.

  8. Hi Suzanne, the sparkly bits are tiny glitterly nail art stickers I added a few extra Swarowski crystals to them :)

  9. Olá amiga!

    Visite meu blog:

    Beijos e boa semana!
