Out 'n' about in the bitter cold again to visit the sales, I must say I was very good and only bought a pair of shoes. The same shoes I wanted before the sales and had decided to wait and only buy them if they were reduced. Luckily for me they only had one pair left in my size so I believe I was meant to buy them and for half the price :)
I also popped by John Lewis in Oxford Street, they always have reduced yarn in the sales, there was some nice Rowan little big wool I bought a few balls (I had a present of some John Lewis Vouchers, Thank you, you know who you all are they went on the little big yarn) but everything else was tweedy multi-coloured type yarns, not that I do not like tweed yarns but past experience makes me buy one ball and experiment to see if the colours and texture work before committing to buying a larger amount. Solid colour yarns like the little big wool are always safer sale bargains to buy.

I finished by walking along Regents Street and having a look at the lights. I really liked them this year, they reminded me of giant sparkly spiders webs.