
Tuesday 30 December 2008

Sales sales sales

Out 'n' about in the bitter cold again to visit the sales, I must say I was very good and only bought a pair of shoes. The same shoes I wanted before the sales and had decided to wait and only buy them if they were reduced. Luckily for me they only had one pair left in my size so I believe I was meant to buy them and for half the price :)
I also popped by John Lewis in Oxford Street, they always have reduced yarn in the sales, there was some nice Rowan little big wool I bought a few balls (I had a present of some John Lewis Vouchers, Thank you, you know who you all are they went on the little big yarn) but everything else was tweedy multi-coloured type yarns, not that I do not like tweed yarns but past experience makes me buy one ball and experiment to see if the colours and texture work before committing to buying a larger amount. Solid colour yarns like the little big wool are always safer sale bargains to buy.

I finished by walking along Regents Street and having a look at the lights. I really liked them this year, they reminded me of giant sparkly spiders webs.

Monday 22 December 2008

December madness

So far this month started with my computer going crazy, my Internet was working only when it wanted to and my mobile lost its data (due to a bus drenching me with water) and also stopping working. So I have not been able to update my site or blog arrrrrrr.... I love my techie things but when they go wrong I wonder how I managed without them and get major withdrawal symptoms :( .
Luckily this week they have all started working again so I am back.
I have been out 'n' about in Oxford Street (lots of sales, crowds of shoppers and lots of buying was going on not many worrying about the credit crunch) looking at the windows, here's a few I liked

NezumiWorld has also been updated with some new Christmas Charts (the charts at top of post)