I have taken a break from posting for a while, OK a long while!, just doing other things and needed to concentrate on them and come back fresh with pattens, crafty stuff, ideas and life to share.
So I thought I would start with a beautiful place I visited this weekend, Mayfield Lavender Farm. A very good friend sent me a message early on Sunday morning would I like to go to a lavender field, I replied "YES" start away. We went to Mayfield Lavender farm is just 15 minutes from London on the Surrey Downs. It grows different types of organic lavender and is a certified organic, very cheap to go in £1.00 per adult (parking is free around the outskirts of the field) and free for children under 16 which they use this income in the upkeep of the lavender field, hand weeding keeping it organic with no nasties sprayed on it.

Its a beautiful place to visit, get there early as it was a very popular place with lots of visitors. Makes a nice change from busy London.