This year as with with last couple of years I joined The Stitch and Bitch London Knit Crawl, but this year due to the London tubes closing down lots of services I only managed to make it to the 3rd part of the crawl.
The Jubilee Gardens in front of the London eye
It was a wonderfully sunny day with a nice cool breeze, perfect for sitting outside knitting and crocheting with lots of like minded people.

I managed to knit a few petals (to much chatting to people) before we moved on to Trafalgar Square

The breeze across the fountains brought a much need mist of water.
And I meet a Hedgehog postman (wearing a moustache for the day) that was visiting London on his travels.

been looked after by Betty also with a knitted moustache (money for the knitting and crochet patterns to make the moustaches went to Prostate UK Charity) plus it was fun seeing lots of women with their knitted and crochet moustaches.

I managed to just about finish a flower before heading home.
A good relaxing fun day :)