For about ten years Borders bookshop in Oxford Street (near Oxford Circus) has been the place I could pop into for a quick coffee while browsing over the books I wanted to buy. Its the place I would meet friends & relations passing through London, it did not matter who arrived first as there was always books & magazines to look at while waiting.
Well today I popped there and to my horror it is closing :(
I confess the sadness of the book shop closing did go away (for a while anyway) when I noticed the 50% off all books posters, my mind spun at all the half price books that I could buy but, I am not sure how long it has been closing down as when I looked around there were only a handful of craft books left, a few cooking books that had seen better days, even the computer section was looking bare. I did manage to get one programming book and will try and have another look around next week when I am back near there. Its sad I liked that bookshop and will miss popping in there :(