March was a very busy month and April is speeding by just as fast. I went to went to the
Stitch & Craft Show in Olympia 2 I was very good and don't buy much (only 5 balls of yarn must be a record for me and a new crimping tool for my stitch marker making), well the reason I was good (sort of) was I bought a Boye interchangeable thread hook set with a hand carved Maple burl handle by the brilliant
Jimbo the day before I went to the show I will photograph and post the set when it arrives.

I had also ordered more samples of the fabric prints I have been working on, they arrived this week and I was happy with most of them (some I need to adjust the colours) sorry I know a few people emailed about the 'here come the bees' and ladybird ladybird' prints I the 'butterfly dance' is OK) they were the ones I need to adjust. The ones I was happy with are now available on
spoonflower. I am ordering larger pieces to make some cushions and bags to hold yarn (trying to be tidy) The owls will be sewn together to make lavender bags for the wardrobe (and put them in with the yarn) I will post the results and how they were made when I have got the larger pieces of fabric.

I have also had the cooking bug and made a few tasties for the family and even managed to add the recipes to the other

I did manage to fit in some, knitting and crochet time playing with tape yarn (again a future post when I have played more). I added a new filet chart to the main
NezumiWorld.com site- decorated Easter eggs and have been very busy planning things for the coming months including more new filet charts, a line of stitch markers for crocheters and knitters plus getting things ready for some Crochet/ Knit-A-Longs even some Design-A-Longs but I post more about that when things are in place.