I confess when I am in the supermarket I go to the reduced price section, I have limited funds so try to make them go further, plus I like tasty foods. A couple of days ago they had one of my favourite vegetables reduced - beetroot. My preferred method of cooking is to bake them. Its very simple with little effect- try not to damage the skin the juice will bleed out its also something to look for when buying that the skin is un-damaged. Gently rinse and trim off the stalks, wrap individually in squares of cooking foil sealing all edges (again you don't want beet juice everywhere), place on a baking tray. Cook in the oven for approximately 1 hour at 180C/ 356F /gas mark 4 the skin should peel easily when cooked. Unwrap and peel, some wear gloves for this as usual I forgot I now have red hands!. You could use the beetroot skins for dyeing yarn it produces beautiful shade of red to pink.
You can now use your cooked beetroot in soups, salads, even chocolate cake. I just sliced mine up and added a splash of vinegar with some chili flakes.

Talking of beetroot I was looking yesterday in Selfridges for the new
baked and delicious magazine (which have not been able to find anywhere) and
Petit Pois Cakes where launching their new healthy cupcake range which has half the calories and fat of ‘normal’ high-street cakes they are gluten and lactose free. They replace the butter with vegetables using grated pumpkin, courgette or beetroot.
Yummy I love baked beetroot
Nice Post. This enter helped me in my college assignment. Thnaks Alot