I decided it was safer to stay in at the start of the week due to the madness that spread across London and cities in England.

I had a few purse frames that I was keeping until I had some time to play with them, I decided on hand sewing which was very relaxing, I used some of my fabric samples the
floating coins and
purple dandelion.
I made a purse and glasses case (or it may end up as a crochet hook case)

I had to glue the fabric into the frame, I have not made a purse for years I forgot about this tricky stage I managed to stick the correct bits to the purse frame (and not parts of me)so it all went well in the end.
Now onto my crocheted purses they have sew in frames but take a little longer to make : )
I'd love to have a go at making a purse, but I think i'd need a kit to get me started never having done one before. Yours look so beautifully finished.